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Eligibility for Membership
Individual Membership
- Only holders of doctorate degrees in Management shall be eligible for membership.
- The Academy may define other associated areas of management from time to time.
- Academics without doctorate degrees but who attain the status of tenured Professor in any of the areas of management as defined in this constitution may be eligible for admission to membership.
- Seasoned managers who possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and who have attained the status of at least Executive Director of companies quoted on the Stock Exchange shall also be eligible for membership.
- Fellows of the Academy shall be elected from among its members who have made significant contributions to the development of management theory and practice;
- No fellow shall be below the rank of tenured Professor or Chief Executive of a company quoted on the Stock Exchange, provided that in the case of a Chief Executive Officer, he/she must be a holder of a minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
- Honorary Fellowship may be conferred on any distinguished management practitioner who, in the opinion of the Academy, has contributed significantly to the development of management theory and or practice in the country.
- Fellows and Honorary Fellows shall be elected from among the list recommended by the Executive Committee.
Student Membership
- Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy may be admitted as student members for a period of not more than five years after admission to candidacy.
Institutional Membership
- Any university offering a doctorate degree programme in any of the recognised management disciplines may be admitted as an institutional member at the departmental, faculty, school or college level, as may be decided by the Academy.
- Other institutions, such as research institutions, management development institutions and management consultancy institutions that are involved in the development of management theory and practice may also be accepted as institutional members.