Every year, at the Academy’s Annual Conferences/AGM, Fellowship is awarded to eligible members of the Academy. In line with the Academy’s standing convention, only members who meet the following requirements will be eligible for nomination for the Fellowship Award.
- The member must be financially up-to-date.
- The potential nominee must have been a member of the Academy for a minimum of four years.
- He / She must be an active member. Being active is measured in terms of:
- Attendance at meetings, conferences and seminars of the Academy
- Assistance to the Academy in raising funds externally, and
- Services to the Academy in terms of offices held and commitment to duty regarding that Office.
- The member must have been a Professor for a minimum of seven years by September 1 of the year of application.
Members who wish to be considered for Fellowship are hereby requested to complete the nomination form, attaching their Curriculum Vitae and letter of appointment as Professor not later than August 31.