The Academy of Management Nigeria (TAMN)

Presents its


Theme: Integrating Sustainability into Management Education in Africa: Issues, Strategies & Perspectives     

Venue: Online

Date: November 12, 2020

Opening/Induction Ceremonies: 9-11am
Technical Sessions: 11:20am-2pm
Annual General Meeting: 3-5pm

Conference Fee: Free for all members (However, you must be financially up-to-date to present a paper and receive a participation certificate). Members who are not financially up-to-date and Non-members are required to pay a registration fee of N10,000.00

Click here to Register

Objectives of the Conference

Management Sciences Educators are uniquely positioned to produce business leaders that influence the course of history and development through corporate decisions. To this end, management education remains a critical and surer means to breed agents of change for accelerating the attainment of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) with the attendant benefits of enhancing quality of life. This recognition informs the setting up of the United Nations’ Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative; with the “… capacity to take the case for universal values and business into classrooms on every continent.” In 2015, the PRME Global Forum for Responsible Management Education participants particularly called for stakeholders in global development to support management (sciences) educators in their crucial role of developing future leaders that help in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Alluding to this, the then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, affirmed that the role of “educators, researchers, and thought leaders, is essential” in accomplishing the SDGs.

Despite the foregoing imperatives, integrating sustainability with management education in Nigeria as in most developing countries seem not to have been well aligned with the PRME with obvious implications. Accordingly, this conference seeks to interrogate the nexus between sustainability and management education not just in Nigeria but in other developing countries with a view to developing actionable blueprint for potential integration of sustainability orientation into management sciences educational programmes. Expectedly, this will accelerate the process of producing crops of globally relevant graduates of responsible management sciences that would fast track the attainment of the SDGs. To this end, this conference invites experts in responsible management education, scholars, regulatory agencies, business leaders, researchers and policymakers to deliberate and network in order to produce an evidence-based framework and guide for integrating sustainability orthodoxy into management sciences science education. The conference seeks both theoretical, conceptual and case studies that address these areas of concern and questions (the list is indicative rather than exhaustive):  

  1. What is the current state of integrating sustainability into the various disciplines of the management sciences education and practice?
  2. What is the attitude of students, teachers, practitioners and institutions towards integrating sustainability and management education and practice?
  3. What are the best approaches for integrating sustainability into management education and practice?
  4. What are approached/models for embedding sustainability to realize the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Management Education?
  5. Are there business justifications for embedding sustainability into management education and practice?
  6. Potential economic, ethical and ecological benefits of embedding sustainability into management education and management
  7. UN agenda 2030 and AU agenda 2063 and sustainability management education and practice
  8. Sustainability accounting education and practice with issues of corporate governance
  9. Sustainability banking, finance and investment education and practice
  10. Sustainability management, leadership, corporate governance and education and practice
  11. Sustainability marketing, consumption, corporate/consumer social responsibility education and practice
  12. Sustainability and entrepreneurship, SMEs and family business education and practice
  13. Sustainability for self-help organizations and development studies

Submission Guidelines

Click here to Submit a Paper

  1. All authors should submit their papers via email to latest July 30, 2020.
  2. Full papers in Microsoft Word format should not be longer than 15 single-spaced pages (Times New Roman, font 12), including the title, tables, figures, appendices, references, and other illustrative materials.
  3. Full papers should have an abstract of not more than 300 words and should indicate the corresponding author. Each paper should indicate the title of the paper, author(s)’ names, institutional affiliation, email addresses and mobile number.
  4. Use single column, one-inch margins (1”) all-round: Top, bottom, left, and right.
  5. Paper title should be centralized using Times New Roman, font size 13 bold all in upper cases; all the first-level heading should be on font size 11 bold and second-level heading should be on font size 11 italics. Name of all the authors to be in bold with font size 11 and other information such as institutional affiliation, email, mobile should be written with font size 11 and italicized.


  1. Upon acceptance of papers, authors are required to register for the conference by paying appropriate fees to the Academy’s Bank Account: The Academy of Management Nigeria, First Bank of Nigeria Ltd, Account No. 2005921368 before the closing date as stipulated in the Table below.
  2. Registration for the conference covers conference folder, e-Proceedings with ISBN on CD or flash drive, two tea breaks, two lunches, conference award dinner and attendance or presentation certificate.
  3. Only authors who register for the conference will have their paper included in the e-Proceedings.
  4. Authors of best papers will receive Best Paper Awards. They will be invited to submit their papers for further consideration for publication in the Sponsoring Journals that include: Nigerian Academy of Management Journal, Contemporary Economics – Poland, among other sponsoring journals.

Click here to Register

Direct all correspondences regarding the conference to:

Professor Samaila Mande – Chairman, National Conference Organizing Committee
Email:; 08033285472

Professor B.F Nwinee – Secretary, The Academy of Management Nigeria – 08037084400

Secretariat: Administrative Assistant – 07036370098

 Prof. Anayo D. Nkamnebe
President – 08036675771