The Academy of Management Nigeria (TAMN)
Its 13th Annual National Conference
Theme: Accountability, Transparency and Nation Building
- Venue: Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State
- Date: September 25-26, 2019
- Arrival: Tuesday September 24, 2019, Departure: Friday September 27, 2019
Objectives of the Conference
Nigeria is currently facing serious corruption quagmire! While everyone seems to agree that corruption is antithetical to the nation’s development, yet, the prevalence of corruption seems to be increasing in intensity and sophistication; arguably, as a result of the continued relegation of accountability and transparency that are pro-development management prerequisites. Consequently, this conference aims to attract academics, policy makers and all other stakeholders to examine the overarching theme of accountability and transparency at firm and national levels as it relates to the management of resources for building Nigeria of our dream. The idea is to generate evidence-based and policy relevant conclusions that could contribute to the elimination of corrupt values and practices that stifle national growth.
Submission Guidelines
- All papers should be submitted via email to in Microsoft Word by June 30, 2019.
- Full papers in Microsoft Word should not be longer than 10 single-spaced pages (Times New Roman, font 11), including the title, tables, figures, appendices, references, and other illustrative materials.
- Full papers should have an abstract of not more than 200 words and should clearly indicate the corresponding author. Each paper should indicate the title of the paper, author(s)’ names, institutional affiliation, email addresses and mobile number.
- Use single column, one-inch margins (1”) all-round: Top, bottom, left, and right.
- Paper title should centralized and written Times New Roman, font size 12 bold; all the heading in font size 11 bold and sub-heading font size 11 italics. Name of all the authors to be in bold with font size 11 and other information in normal font size 11 and italicize.
Registration and Publication Opportunities
- Upon acceptance of papers, authors are required to register for the conference by paying appropriate fees to the Academy’s Bank: The Academy of Management Nigeria, First Bank Nigeria Ltd, Account No. 2005921368 before the closing date as stipulated below.
- Registration for the conference covers conference folder, e-Proceedings with ISBN on CD or flash drive, two tea breaks, two lunches, conference award dinner and attendance or presentation certificate.
- Only papers that are registered before the conference will be captured in the e-Proceedings.
- Authors of best papers will receive Best Paper Awards and will be invited to submit their papers for further consideration for publication in the Academy’s journal, Nigerian Academy of Management Journal and other sponsoring journals.
Conference Fees
Early Bird (On or before August 31st 2019)
- Student – N25,000
- Student Members – N20,000
- Non-Members – N35,000
- Members – N30,000
- Foreign Participants – US$250
Regular Registration (After August 31st 2019)
- Student – N30,000
- Student Members – N25,000
- Non-Members – N40,000
- Members – N35,000
- Foreign Participants US$300
All correspondence regarding the conference should be directed to:
Professor Anayo D. Nkamnebe – Chairman, Conference Organizing Committee
Email:; 08036675771.
For Logistics and Accommodation Information
Professor Barnabas Agbonifoh – 07033663664, Chairman, LOC, Federal University Otuoke
Secretariat: Secretary 08035419583; Admin Assistant – 07036370098
Prof. Ayuba A. Aminu
President – 08036410611